Utilities - Viewers

v4lsview, sdlview, pgxview, ffbview

v4lsview, sdlview, pgxview, ffbview - Image viewers for "Video4Linux for Solaris"
v4lsview [-n norm] [-c chan] [-f freq] [-w width] [-h height] [-W width] [-H height] [-d device] [-G device] [-A] [-v] [-P palette] [-D driver] [-R region]
v4lsview and its family displays captured image from Video4Linux device under Solaris.

v4lsview is most generic viewer among these viewers because it can choose displaying driver. But it requires many libraries.

sdlview is specialized to use SDL (bound to SDL driver internally). similarly, pgxview is bound to PGX driver only, ffbview is bound to FFB+ driver only. These viewers has less shared library requirement.

-n norm
Norm (video signal standard).
6NTSC-Japan (not recommended even in Japan)
-c chan
Video channel (not TV station channel). In most cards, range of chan is from 0 to 3. Traditionally, '0' is assigned to TV tuner, '1' to composite video input, '2' to S-Video input respectively.
-f freq
Tuning frequency of TV tuner. freq is integer and must be multiplied by 16. For example, specify 3200 for 200MHz station.
-w width, -h height
Size of capturing image. By default, '-w 480 -h 320' is specified.
-W width, -H height
Size of displaying image. By default, same size is specified to '-w' and '-h'. Specifying different size from '-w' and '-h' is allowed only for 'yuv,32' palette.
-d device
Video capture device. By default, /dev/video0 is assumed.
-G device
Frame buffer device to display.
Initialize system audio (not bt848x's). This enables monitor of audio input, input from line-in, output to line-out.
Produce verbose info.
-P palette
Format of capturing and displaying pixels. This option is valid only for sdl driver. Other viewers silently ignore it.

Possible palettes are listed below:
palettecapturing formatdisplaying formatnote
yuv,32YUV422RGB32SPARC only
32,32RGB32RGB32SPARC only
24,32RGB24RGB32SPARC only
In SPARC platform, 'yuv,32' is default and recommended. In x86 platform, '16,16' is recommended.

-D driver
Type of displaying driver. This option is valid only for v4lsview. Other viewers silently ignore (driver is selected automatically).

sdlGeneric displaying driver. This is default.
pgxFaster displaying driver only for PGX32/PGX64 graphics adapter series. These adapters have hardware-acceralated color space conversion function.
ffbFaster displaying driver only for FFB2+ graphics adapter series. These adapter has hardware-acceralated color space conversion function.
nullNull displaying driver. No visible output.

-R region
Select region. This specifies mapping between frequency allocation and channel number. See tv-station-util for more detail. If capture card does not have tuner, this option is meaningless.

c Launch TV channel selector window. Actually this invokes gtk-v4lctl command.
s Take snapshot. Saved format is PPM (portable pixmap) and its file name is 'YYYYMMDD_HHMMSSFF.ppm'
Up, PageUp Increment TV channel number.
Down, PageDown Decrement TV channel number.
m Toggle mute state.
p Toggle pause state.
f Toggle fullscreen mode.
q, Esc Quit viewer.

LC_TV - determines TV station frequency mapping. See tv-station-util for more detail.
LC_TVFREQ_FINE_TUNE - fine adjustment for TV tuning in kHz.
v4lsview requires 24 or more color depth.
sdl driver confuses if byte order is different between capturing host and displaying host.
Only one viewer can use pgx/ffb driver for one graphics device.
pgx/ffb driver won't work in higher resolution mode.
We don't know which series of FFB2 can be used for ffbview exactly. ffbview's drawing code is derived from Ogle, and Ogle manual say that overlay feature needs FFB2+ (Creator 3D series 3). But, on the other hand, framebuffer FAQ says that FFB2 (as known as Creator 3D series 2) and AFB (as known as Elite 3D) has color space conversion ability. Anyway, ffb driver doesn't run on normal FFB (Creator)

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